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A collaborative effort with American Center, US. Embassy, New Delhi

YCD is a multigenerational-focused discussion series on developing a culture of belongingness for the exchange of thoughts that unites diverse voices for a meaningful dialogue and to develop community for the betterment of people and the planet.


The Young Changemakers' Dialogue, steered by Tears of Earth's dedication to nurturing dialogue-centered community development and bringing peace for all, strives to provide young leaders with the knowledge, skills, and viewpoints needed to foster social cohesion and shape a more harmonious society. Through this initiative, we aspire to cultivate a generation of change-makers who actively contribute to enduring peace and harmony in our multifaceted world with each other and the planet.


Young Changemakers Dialogue serves as purpose-driven and engaging exchanges, uniting young individuals from varied backgrounds and generations to strengthen the bond between humans and the Planet.

These dialogues provide a platform to cultivate substantive conversations, promote attentive listening, foster collaborative efforts, and heighten awareness about the diverse factors influencing societal harmony for the future. While various initiatives promote dialogue and peace, very few programs specifically cater to people, especially youth from all generations and backgrounds. Existing solutions often lack the focus on active listening and collaboration, essential elements for social cohesion and intersections of peace with every sector of society.​


The Young Changemakers Dialogue (YCD) aims to address the lack of platforms for young individuals to engage in meaningful conversations about peacebuilding and societal challenges. With a focus on building a community of changemakers, the YCD brings together diverse voices to promote social cohesion and harmony.




The YCD recognizes youth's potential as agents of transformation and tries to empower them with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives needed to contribute to lasting peace. By providing a platform for dialogue and collaboration, the YCD seeks to bridge gaps in representation and foster a culture of belonging among participants.


After the dialogue, all members become part of the Changemakers Community, symbolized by the formula E=mc2, where E is Earth, m represents the members, and c2 is the Changemakers community. This community serves as a space for continued engagement and collaboration, promoting partnerships and working towards a shared vision of peace and prosperity for all.

Join the YCD and the Changemakers Community today!

YCD Community QR_edited.jpg

Explore resources and projects and meet like-minded people in the community.


YCD Structure:


Ice-Breaking Activities: Engaging exercises to create a comfortable environment for participants.
Expert Guidance: Esteemed professionals specializing in the discussed topics are cordially invited to share their current and authoritative insights.

Video Messages & insights: Sharing impactful videos that highlight the importance of social cohesion and set the context.
Action-oriented Group activities: Activities to delve into the topics and express ideas, brainstorm solutions, and generate creative ideas.

Focused Dialogues: Regular sessions that facilitate discussions on various peace-related topics.
Story-Sharing Sessions: Providing a platform for participants to share personal experiences and insights.


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Apporvi Jain

Student in Germany

I found the young changemakers dialogue concept fascinating.
It is an efficient way of fostering healthy group discussions on societal issues. According to me, the diversity in age and profession made the dialogue more effective.
It really felt like a safe space to freely express thoughts.
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Dr Vinayak Jhamb
Law Professor

In the YCD all the participants were asked to sit in a circular format to deliberate upon the intersection of Peace Building and Space Exploration. The topic was absolutely alien to many of us and and everyone was bewildered when the event commenced. 
 My first time at the American Centre and my keen interest in learning new facets about the outer Space was enriching and wholesome. I would like to thank the organizers for giving me this opportunity and would be indebted for the same.

Abhishek Panwar
Political Consultant

An inspiring and insightful session it was at the 4th Young Changemakers Dialogue! The discussions on "Peace and the Digitized World" were truly eye-opening, thanks to the expert insights from Ms. Shweta Dalmia and Mr. Jeffrey L. Simmons. The diverse perspectives and enthusiastic participation made it a truly enriching experience. Looking forward to more such impactful dialogues in the future!

Prarthna Borah

Truly an engaging discussion at the American Center.
We discussed how to contribute to water security, clean air and biodiversity conservation.
Additionally we also came up with action plans to make a change. Thank you Tears of The Earth for hearing my story at the Young Changemakers Dialogue.

What an inspiring conversation with a wide range of stakeholders and a wonderful opportunity to share my ideas. Time now to translate this to action!

Student HR Institute

My name is Rishabh sharma currently I am persuing Btech from hrit Ghaziabad. This was my 3rd time at American Centre, and it was worth every second. 
Youth circle dialogue provides us an opportunity to interact with personnels from different fields and brain storm of various topics. The ambiance of American Centre is amazing, provides a comfortable space for discussion. 
Thanks to all the volunteers and organising team.

     The need for Young Changemakers Dialogue     

Persistent challenges such as social divisions, cultural misunderstandings, and conflicts continue to shape our diverse society. A notable absence of platforms for young individuals to engage in substantive conversations addressing these issues and supporting peacebuilding is evident. It is crucial to acknowledge that youth, not only of the present era but also of different generations, hold substantial potential to contribute to peacebuilding and environmental efforts. The youth demographic represents a dynamic and vibrant segment of society, serving as agents of transformation and a source of inspiration. With a staggering 1.2 billion individuals aged 15 to 24, young people constitute roughly 16% of the global population.

Notably, India boasts the largest youth population globally, with over 600 million individuals aged 15 to 29. This demographic has often been characterized both as vulnerable and needing a voice. Simultaneously, they are frequently sidelined from serious discussions and career trajectories and occasionally stereotyped as immature or disruptive. The societal placement of youth significantly influences their potential for leadership and their prospective role in peacebuilding.

Additionally, the tension between different age groups has long been a defining aspect of intergenerational shifts involving control over power, resources, and influence. Many young peacebuilders we have engaged with have expressed concerns about the inadequate representation of certain youth groups in peace processes. From their experiences, youth from diverse backgrounds, those in fields seemingly unrelated to peace, hard-to-reach youth, young women, and individuals associated with specific political orientations are frequently excluded from dialogues despite their valuable insights and perspectives.

   Curation of YCD   

The program is curated by Mr Rumit Walia, a Peacebuilder Environmentalist, and moderated by the members of the Changemakers Community (E=mc2).

The discussion is open to all; however, it majorly targets people between the ages of 15 and 35, encouraging them to take leadership roles in communities.

The initiative comprises a sequence of sessions lasting 1.5 to 2 hours each, conducted consistently over a designated timeframe.

Each session focuses on a distinct topic influenced by partnerships, location, current events, and the community. Sessions are conducted in community spaces, Cultural Centers, Universities, Open Spaces, etc., providing accessible platforms for participants to engage.


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