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Regular Campaigns

We're on a mission to inspire the next generation to take meaningful steps towards preserving our planet. Through exciting and interactive workshops, we help individuals discover the power of small changes in their daily routines, which can collectively lead to significant environmental impact. Our focus is on empowering students and young people to embrace sustainable living and become mindful of their carbon footprint. We believe in breaking the cycle of fixing one problem at the expense of another, as this only worsens our environmental challenges. Join us in building a greener and more sustainable future for all.

I Love My Earth Campaign (ILMEC)

A digital approach to initiate environmental practices at home. ILMEC is a digital campaign started during the first Covid-19 lockdown in March 2022. ILMEC aims to engage youth in discussion and dialogue about the theme-specific issue (Reducing Plastic, Best out of Waste, Vertical Gardens, Sustainable Fashion, etcetera). It promotes a call to action by simply sharing things fun and interactive through social media platforms and establishes peer learning among the participants. We have successfully conducted 5 phases of this campaign. The campaign starts with a simple pledge, and then with regular follow-ups, we aim to inculcate a sustainable lifestyle habit.

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Plantation and Vertical Gardening

In the world of plantation, TOE has not only focused on traditional methods like road dividers and roadside planting but has also introduced innovative techniques. We've developed concepts like vertical gardening using recycled plastic bottles and created stunning green walls.
TOE's commitment extends to corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects as well. We're deeply involved in Reforestation efforts, putting forward the Miyawaki method and mangrove forest restoration. Our Cleanup programs target high-footfall areas, such as the Yamuna Ghats in Delhi, where we not only clean but also educate people about waste segregation and the detrimental effects of plastic pollution. Join us in creating a cleaner, greener future for all.

Plantations & Vertical

Cleanup and Plogging Campaigns

Our Cleanup programs target high-footfall areas, such as the Yamuna Ghats in Delhi, where we not only clean but also educate people about waste segregation and the detrimental effects of plastic pollution. In partnership with municipalities, government bodies, companies, and NGOs, the Tears of the Earth Foundation spearheads cleanup drives across India, employing innovative approaches like "plogging" to engage volunteers in physical activity while tackling litter. These efforts are not only restoring cleanliness to public spaces but also instilling a sense of responsibility among participants. These efforts are not only restoring cleanliness to public spaces but also instilling a sense of responsibility among participants. Join us towards a cleaner, healthier environment for present and future generations.

Cleanup & Plogging
Educational and Awareness

Educational and Awareness Sessions

Welcome to our sustainable partnerships! We're here to assist you in making an events more eco-friendly. Our expertise lies in providing innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of an event's gatherings. 
From eco-friendly cutlery and stationery to sustainable catering options, we guide you in incorporating environmentally responsible practices. As your sustainability partner, we work closely with the partners to seamlessly integrate eco-conscious choices into every aspect of your event planning.
Our goal is to help create events that not only leave a lasting impression but also have a positive impact on the planet. 
With a dash of eco-quirkiness, and make a carbon footprint so small, even your shoes will be jealous! We meet, we connect, we interact and we create an impact to a greener future.

Performative Arts

Performative Arts for Climate Action and Unity

No campaign or initiative achieves lasting impact without the bedrock of a compelling story. Crafting narratives is an art, and what better way to weave those tales than through the artistry of slogans, paintings, street theater (nukkad), and songs? At Tears of the Earth, we firmly believe that for people to truly remember and embrace the messages we wish to convey, it is essential to engage their hearts and minds through the powerful medium of art.

Our commitment to Performative Arts is our way of making a green switch through storytelling. We carefully craft our performances and narratives with the audience in mind, ensuring a deep connection to our cause.

Our inspiration flows from diverse sources, including captivating street plays and our dynamic 'Virah Band,' which passionately performs environmentally themed songs. This band, fueled by our commitment to positive change, amplifies our message through music and rhythm, engaging audiences on a deeper level.

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