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Project Dhaaga

The target group of this project Dhaaga, are females of poor society who face numerous challenges perpetuated by the influences of dominant and ruling figures. Widespread poverty is a significant impediment in their lives, with families grappling with unemployment and seasonal income that fails to meet basic livelihood needs. Migration seeking employment is ordinary, highlighting the struggle for daily sustenance.


Economic struggles are exacerbated by the prevailing illiteracy and ignorance in rural and tribal areas, hindering development across various aspects. Illiteracy, ignorance, and superstitious beliefs contribute to a reluctance to embrace family planning measures in these areas, leading to rapid population growth.


In terms of social, economic, health, hygiene, sanitation, and education, the conditions of the target group resemble a primitive stage, marked by continuous physical labour that fails to yield desired results due to a lack of awareness. For females within this group, limited opportunities for skill development are a prominent issue, particularly for those lacking education. This limitation often channels them into low-paying occupations like maids, servants, or public washroom cleaners. Unfortunately, their children are frequently pushed into child labour to contribute to family income.


Attempts by women to initiate independent businesses at home face obstacles such as the absence of a safe environment, essential tools, and discouragement from family members. Moreover, local societies need more support, further complicating their pursuit of income-generating activities. Rural women encounter challenges balancing business responsibilities with household tasks, including food preparation, childcare, and other domestic duties. The resulting time constraints impede their ability to effectively manage and grow their businesses.


The cumulative hardships experienced by women in this context contribute to mental stress and depression, exacerbated by a lack of social support. The isolation within their homes not only hinders interpersonal connections but tragically leads to instances of suicide as mental strain becomes unbearable. Factors such as frequent electricity cuts, logistical challenges, unclear business regulations, and difficulties in sourcing raw materials and accessing suitable markets further complicate the ability of rural women to manage their businesses independently. Support and interventions are crucial to empower these women and improve their well-being economically.


Project Dhaaga focuses on uplifting uneducated and unskilled girls and women from impoverished and illiterate groups, distanced from modern changes. The initiative aims to address the need for awareness and financial literacy, enabling women to handle both profit and loss aspects for the betterment of their families. The project seeks to enhance women's roles within their families and communities through targeted training activities.


Poor Females in these disadvantaged families struggle to manage households, facing deprivation of nutritious food, healthcare, and primary education. The project recognizes the plight of these marginalized women who experience poverty, illiteracy, exploitation, and various challenges both within and outside their homes.


Project Dhaaga strives to empower these girls and women by instilling self-worth, promoting literacy, and offering financial independence by acquiring valuable sewing and tailoring skills. The initiative aims to create a holistic approach to uplift women and girls, fostering personal growth and contributing to broader community development.


Key components of the project include empowering girls, women, and single mothers through skill development in sewing, cultivating a sense of self-worth, and promoting environmental sustainability through eco-friendly practices in the sewing process. By incorporating up-cycling and reducing fast fashion waste, women and girls gain proficiency in sewing, opening doors to income-generating opportunities.


Project Dhaaga plans to collaborate with these women in future for sustainable fashion, actively contributing to reducing the fashion industry's environmental impact. The initiative will raise awareness about the 7R's of sustainable fashion – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Research, Repurpose, Repair, and Rent. This multifaceted approach enables women to generate income while contributing to sustainable fashion practices.


Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal No. 1 (No Poverty), Goal No. 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Goal No. 4 (Quality Education), Goal No. 5 (Gender Equality), and Goal No. 13 (Climate Action), Project Dhaaga underscores its commitment to broader social and environmental objectives.


Furthermore, the project extends its impact by supporting poor and uneducated girls in pursuing further education to complete their schooling, thereby contributing to realizing educational aspirations within the community.


Aims and Objective of the Project:
Project Dhaaga aims to empower girls and women in society, cultivate self-confidence, promote digital and financial literacy, and help them achieve financial independence through sustainable fashion practices by providing sewing and tailoring training.
Objectives are as follows:
1: Foster Empowerment and Self-Reliance

  • Implement comprehensive skill development programs for rural girls and women, focusing on sewing, tailoring and sustainable fashion practices as a valuable trade.

  • Emphasize self-support and self-reliance, enabling participants to generate income independently.

2: Holistic Development of Mind, Body, and Spirit

  • Design initiatives beyond skill development, encompassing mental, physical, and spiritual growth for girls and women.

  • Establish workshops and sessions promoting overall well-being, self-confidence, and a positive mindset.

3: Literacy and Leadership Promotion

  • Develop educational and vocational programs encouraging and equipping girls and women to become literate and confident community leaders.

  • Integrate leadership training into the curriculum to empower participants to take on active roles in societal and Environmental development.

4: Skill Enhancement for Future Opportunities

  • Create platforms for continuous skill enhancement, ensuring that girls and women can adapt to evolving economic opportunities.

  • Provide resources, sewing and tailoring training programs that support the development of a diverse skill set to increase employability.

5: Transforming Female Youth into Entrepreneurial Sustainability

  • Target poor unemployed female youth and empower them through skill development in eco-friendly sewing and tailoring practices.

  • Encourage entrepreneurship to transform poor unemployed female youth into self-financiers while promoting environmental sustainability.


Challenges and Issues Faced by Target Groups and the Designated Area:
The proposed pilot project, Dhaaga, aims to be implemented in the rural areas of Loni Dehat in the Ghaziabad District of Uttar Pradesh, India. The rural population in Loni Dehat faces challenges related to education and healthcare due to the lack of government schools and hospitals. Absence of good infrastructure, particularly roads, adds to the difficulties as girls have to travel to government schools in Delhi or other urban areas of Ghaziabad, which are far away. Additionally, political issues have resulted in poor road connectivity with numerous potholes, leading to frequent accidents.


Furthermore, the area grapples with security concerns, especially for females, owing to inadequate street lighting and the absence of security cameras. Unemployment, income disparities, and limited access to financial services contribute to the intricate social and financial conditions. According to the 2011 Census India report, the population of Loni is 516,082, with 275,025 males and 241,057 females. The female literacy rate stands at 63.03%. Out of the total population, 149,339 are engaged in work and do business, job, service, cultivation, and labour activity, with 84.03% involved in main work and 15.97% in marginal work. Notably, Loni is expected to reach a projected population of 7 lakh by the year 2024. 


The target groups include uneducated girls, widows, destitute women, single mothers, disabled individuals, orphaned girls, divorced women, and deserted wives living in substandard areas around Loni, Ghaziabad. These families average consist of 2 parents, one set of grandparents, 3 siblings, and 4 children, totaling 9 members. They often live in cramped, single-room accommodations with minimal facilities, lacking bathrooms and proper lighting. Basic assets include fowls, cooking vessels, and involvement in labour work. Their staple diet, provided by government policies, mainly comprises rice and dal curry, consumed three times a day.


Description of Target groups: 
Many rural girls and women in this area are employed as labourers and housemaids. However, they face numerous challenges, including heavy workloads and contractor payment irregularities, leading to periods of unemployment. Consequently, some they have to move the near place in searching of work for their daily bread.


While some manage to earn modestly during seasonal work or festivals, the income is often insufficient to meet their basic needs and necessities of life. The rural poor, especially women lacking support, endure the brunt of unemployment and irregular income, further exacerbated by challenges with local vendors.


After the COVID-19 pandemic in this area, there was a surge in unemployment in rural areas. Women and girls faced the loss of husbands and fathers, who were often the sole breadwinners in their families. Furthermore, the pandemic's impact has left some families with female as the only earners, many of whom are in poor health, preventing them from working and earning. As a result, many young girls and women have been compelled to seek employment to sustain their families. The economic strain has led to some girls discontinuing their schooling due to these challenging circumstances.


Uneducated girls find their employment and social mobility options limited. Widows encounter social stigma and discrimination while trying to earn a living. Divorced and destitute women facing destitution struggle with fundamental necessities like shelter, food, and healthcare due to a lack of skills or income.


Single mothers and deserted wives, desiring to provide better for their children, face economic hardships. Correcting grammar and merging sentences helps convey the challenges faced by these women more coherently.


Outcome of the Project: 

  • Upon completing training, poor females are either placed in private industries or encouraged to initiate their own tailoring shops in societies, fostering economic independence.

  • The initiative ensures females have a safe and secure environment to enhance their skills, with a focus on environmental impact. It provides sustainable sewing materials and promotes eco-friendly practices, such as reusing old clothes, bed sheets transform into cloths bags, and pillow covers. These items are then distributed to urban areas to raise awareness about sustainability.

  • Enhanced skills contribute to the empowerment of poor females, boosting self-confidence and improving living standards while simultaneously addressing unemployment at the village level.

  • Moral support mechanisms are established for parents, caretakers, and volunteers, further enhancing the initiative's impact on reducing unemployment.

  • Future collaborations with Project Dhaaga aim to integrate skill development with sustainable fashion, emphasizing the 7R's principles and creating income opportunities for women, actively contributing to environmental sustainability.

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